4 steps to implement BIM

Diego Moreno Varela

August 26th, 2022

There is currently a movement towards change in the architecture, engineering and construction sector, and day by day the term BIM is making its way. In a technical conversation between colleagues, it is easy for the term to come to light and refer to it in a literal translation provided by several bibliographies: BUilding IInformation Modeling, for its acronym in English. Pero What to expect from BIM? Next, we will propose some tips for finding the beyond BIM. We will be able to consciously address the challenges and benefits of its correct implementation. BIM is the new member of the industry that is transforming the ways of planning, building and managing civil projects.

However, when considering BIM as an alternative for change, we think of it as a recipe (Methodology/Process) that contains the necessary ingredients to execute it, however, the key is not so much in what it suggests to do, but in how to apply it.

For this new way of operating, it must be clear that everyone has abilities and abilities. Although a leader is required, the main functions of the leader should be focused on making visible the strengths of each of the members of the team.

1. Make a diagnosis

Perhaps the first question that comes to your mind is how am I? And yes, you may be right, but before that we must understand that traditional processes have dominated us for several decades and that's not bad. In fact, many companies are still operating with traditional methods and with positive numbers today. However, change is imminent and the question should focus on how am I including technological changes, technology, immediately generated information and actions to reduce budget and schedule deviations? These are just a few items that have been driving more and more companies to consider including BIM in their processes.

Knowing what level the company is at brings with it an in-depth analysis of the operation and even more so of the capacity to respond to new market requirements. It draws a baseline by measuring the level of adaptation of equipment to receive and incorporate new alternatives, the processes that are used in terms of productivity and their associated tools.

How am I including technological changes, technology, information generated immediately and actions?

2. Define a strategy

It is known with some timidity that traditional forms are gradually being displaced to give way to new forms of work, which seek interdisciplinary collaboration, to advance as a group, and to enable partial deliveries with the participation of our clients. The challenge is to relearn our process of designing, building or developing the asset. Now our strategy must contain programs that adapt to the form of operation involving company roles and structuring that can be measured over time.

3. Get started

Instead of making an exhaustive list of never-ending activities, the recommendation is to organize the activities, as proposed by the Kanban method, for example. This will lead us to organize the BIM route and to identify strengths and weaknesses in work teams.

Although there are several methodologies in the market, we have experienced that the engine that drives change is to have early victories, to establish those motivators that will provide the energy to continue the transformation process.

The approach should always Turning ideas into compliant products. As a premise, it should be sought that interactions are always oriented towards customer satisfaction. It won't always be achieved, but it should be the goal.

Organize the BIM route and identify strengths in work teams.

4. Set a north

Our next station “Digital Integration” may be the phrase of many in the BIM world, but this refers not only to seeing plans on portable devices but to really striving to understand that it has already evolved and we are not in that place (physical or virtual) creating (understood as designing) not individually or in isolation, but that we are within the ecosystem that requires a team, of actors who are protagonists in any phase of the project.

Strange as we may think, the engineering of our time is progressing at an accelerating rate compared to our daily lives. This is where setting priorities or doing what generates value becomes more important every day.


Now let's think, How can we reorganize ourselves?? It is a very recurring question when we share our knowledge with our colleagues and possibly the essence lies in knowing the equipment, processes and tools that are being used. In the latter, we are not referring only to what software, but to what monitoring and improvement tools are being adopted within our organization.

It's clear that the market is inviting us to enter BIM, what are they really asking of us? What is beyond BIM? , let's see:

  • In terms of culture: leadership doesn't focus on the fact that a leader should be the one established as the team's mode of operation.
  • In terms of processes: it is to think that linear work is eliminated by cyclical and improvement work, where the customer is a participant in the initial stages and throughout the development of the project.
  • In terms of tools: interoperability, management software and control panels must play on the same court and always seeking the same objective.

Sobre el autor

Diego Moreno Varela

August 26th, 2022

Integral's BIM leader, is a civil engineer, a specialist in construction project management, a master's degree in BIM management in infrastructure and civil engineering. With more than 15 years of experience in structuring, management, development of construction projects and implementation of BIM processes.